July CBM Meeting Minutes
July Meeting Minutes Will Presley called the meeting to order @ 7pm. Attendance: Will, Terry, Jeff, Mike, Rob, Al, Matt, Kevin, Scott, Kajuan, Bob P. Scott read out minutes from…
July Meeting Minutes Will Presley called the meeting to order @ 7pm. Attendance: Will, Terry, Jeff, Mike, Rob, Al, Matt, Kevin, Scott, Kajuan, Bob P. Scott read out minutes from…
June Meeting Minutes Will Presley called meeting to order @ 7pm Attendance: Al, Terry, Jason, Rennie, James, Ted, Dave, Mike, Matt, Bob S, Scott, Will Scott read out May minutes…
Meeting called to order @ 7:18 pm due to hunting for more chairs, because we had more people...all a good thing. Attendees: Mike, Jeff, Al, Brian Dan, Jason, Bob S,…
CBM April Meeting Minutes Will Presley opened the meeting @ 7PM Scott read out meeting minutes for March Jeff read out Treasurer report of $3,020.53 Attendance - Will, Scott G,…
March Meeting Minutes Will Presley called the meeting to order @ 7pm Attendees - Will, Jeff, Terry, Scott G, Scott C, Dan, Karl, Ted, Jason, Bob S, Rob, James, Brian,…
The Columbus Bassmasters has updated their Club Charter and it's currently in Draft until discussion and voting can take place. http://columbusbassmasters.net/club-charter-2016/ Also if anyone is interested in club shirts let…
January 13th Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order by Will Presley 7PM Attendees - Terry, Brian, Rob, Kajuan, Scott G, Chris, James, Ted, Bob S, Al, Jason, Mike, Matt, Rod,…
January 2016 meeting is moved back a week until the 13th. Bring your Football square money.
Team, The club will be doing the bowl game square this year as a fund raiser. Each member is required to purchase 4 $25 squares. Please send Rod Russell your…
November Meeting Minutes Will Presley called meeting to order @ 7pm Guest: Jason Fairbanks and Rick Carter Attendees: Chad, Bob S, Kajuan, Ted, Dave, James, Rob, Rod, Will, Mike, Karl,…