CBM June Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes Will called the meeting to order at 7pm Attendance: Will, Terry, Damon, Jay, Jeff, Bob, Jason, Rod, Kevin, Matt, Scott, Rich, Bob S, Ted, Dave, Karl, Mike, Bob…
Meeting Minutes Will called the meeting to order at 7pm Attendance: Will, Terry, Damon, Jay, Jeff, Bob, Jason, Rod, Kevin, Matt, Scott, Rich, Bob S, Ted, Dave, Karl, Mike, Bob…
May Meeting Minutes Will called to the meeting to order @ 7PM Attendance: Karl, Jason, Scott, Dave, Rich, Rennie, Terry, Matt, Ted, Al, Eric Guest - Ryan Scott read out…
Meeting Minutes Will Presley called the meeting to order @7:05 PM Attendance: Bob P, Scott G, Jeff, Al, Ted, Dave, Bob S, Chris, James, Jay, Kevin, Kajuan, Karl, Terry, Rod,…
Meeting Minutes Will called the meeting to order @ 7pm Attendance: Will, Scott, Terry, Al, Karl, Bob P, Dan, Jason, Kevin, Jeff, Rob, James, Jay, Alex, Bob S, Ted, Chris,…
Meeting Minutes CBM kicked off 2017 with a crowd at January's meeting. You would have thought they were passing out money! It was great to see everyone there and also…
December Meeting Minutes Will - call meeting to order @ 7pm Attendance: Will, Ted, Rob, Terry, Jason, Jeff, Bob, Bob S, Matt, Kevin, Al, Kajuan, Rich, Karl, Mike, Scott Guest…
November Meeting Minutes First off you all need a new webmaster, if it takes him a month to get the meeting minutes on the website you should FIRE him! Just…
CBM October Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order @ 7pm - Will Presley Attendance - Karl, Scott, Rich, Terry, Will, Jason, James, Kajun, Bob S, Dave, Ted, Rod, Matt, Rob,…
September Meeting Minutes Will called the meeting to order @ 7pm Attendance - Will, Jeff, Brian Kajuan, Terry, James, Jason, Ted, Dave, Matt, Rich, Rob & Scott G. Scott read…
August Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order @ 7pm - Will Attendance - Will, Rod, Bob, Dave, Kevin, Scott, Rob, Matt, Jeff, Jason July Minutes read out - Scott Treasures…