- Meeting Minutes – January 8, 2025
President: Will Presley called meeting to order 6:33pm
Members Present: Bob Pharris, Bob Schinker, James Maynard, Jay Siefring, Karl Guegold, Kevin Faint, Matt Bertram, Mark Kibble, Rich Carter, Sean Geer, Ted Nixon, Terry Hall, Will Presley
Prospective New Member: Taylor Coy (boater)
Treasures Report: $3,450.75
Tournament Directors Report: All lake permits have been approved except for Mosquito Lake
Fishing Report: Jay fished Hoover and water temperature was 38 degrees
Reminder: Club dues are due
Old Business:
- Ohio Bass Nation (OBN) State Team Qualifier – Alum Creek, May 3rd & 4th
- The Ohio Bass Federation (TBF) Region 1 Tournament – Delaware Lake, Marina Ramp, May 17th and 18th
- Hoover Fishing Seminar scheduled for March 1st
- If you plan to fish the Ohio Bass Nation as a boater or plan to be a boat captain, you will need to complete the boater safety course. Matt completed it online through Boat US at no charge.
New Business:
- Raffle tickets were distributed. If you were unable to attend the meeting, please reach out to Matt to arrange pick up of your tickets.
- Ohio Bass Federation Open Meeting, February 1st @ 9:00am, at the Delaware Gun Range, at 1100 Ohio SR 229 in Ashley Ohio. Food Truck available for lunch @ $20.00 per person with a lot of prizes to be given away.
- Youth Bait making event February 15, from 9am – 2pm.
- Club Banquet scheduled for February 22, from 5pm-7pm. There will be some great prizes to be given away, so you don’t want to miss it.
- Club planning to go to Lake Murray, March 24th – 30th . Please see Matt if you are interested in going.
- Lake Guntersville, Big Bass Splash, scheduled for March 28th , 29th , and 30th
Meeting Adjourned: 7:22pm