President: Will Presley called meeting to order 6:33pm
Members Present: Bob Pharris, Bob Schinker, James Maynard, Jay Siefring, Karl Guegold, Kevin Faint, Matt Bertram, Mark Kibble, Rich Carter, Sean Geer, Ted Nixon, Terry Hall, Will Presley, Will Forester
Prospective New Member: Taylor Coy (boater)
Treasures Report: $3,450.75
Tournament Directors Report: All lake permits have been approved except for Mosquito Lake
Fishing Report: Jay fished Hoover and water temperature was 38 degrees
Reminder: Club dues are due
Old Business:
- Ohio Bass Nation (OBN) State Team Qualifier – Alum Creek, May 3rd & 4th
- The Ohio Bass Federation (TBF) Region 1 Tournament – Delaware Lake, Marina Ramp, May 17th and 18th
- Hoover Fishing Seminar scheduled for March 1st
- If you plan to fish the Ohio Bass Nation as a boater or plan to be a boat captain, you will need to complete the boater safety course. Matt completed it online through Boat US at no charge.
New Business:
- Raffle tickets were distributed. If you were unable to attend the meeting, please reach out to Matt to arrange pick up of your tickets.
- Ohio Bass Federation Open Meeting, February 1st @ 9:00am, at the Delaware Gun Range, at 1100 Ohio SR 229 in Ashley Ohio. Food Truck available for lunch @ $20.00 per person with a lot of prizes to be given away.
- Youth Bait making event February 15, from 9am – 2pm.
- Club Banquet scheduled for February 22, from 5pm-7pm. There will be some great prizes to be given away, so you don’t want to miss it.
- Club planning to go to Lake Murray, March 24th – 30th . Please see Matt if you are interested in going.
- Lake Guntersville, Big Bass Splash, scheduled for March 28th , 29th , and 30th
Meeting Adjourned: 7:22pm