Meeting Minutes – September 11, 2024

President: Will Presley called meeting to order 6:28pm

Members Present: Bob Pharris, Bob Schinker, Chris Fisher, Jay Siefring, Terry Hall, Will Presley, Dave Sprow, Kevin Fiant, Ted Nixon

Treasures Report: $4,085.20

Tournament Directors Report: Chris Fisher took 1st place on O’Shaughnessy with 11.55 lbs. followed by Bob Pharris, Rob Doughty and Terry Hall. Clear Fork, Tim Ward took 1st place with 10.56 lbs, followed by Chris Fisher, Scott Gordon and Jay Siefring. Chris Fisher won BB on both lakes with 2.92 and 5.23 lbs. respectively.

Draws for our final tournament on Portage Lakes was completed.

In 2025, TBF will ban forward facing sonar for youth tournaments.

Rich Carter has been talking to the Columbus Watershed about partnering for a conservation cleanup event on O’Shaugnessy for next spring. They may also have a youth friendly project that they would be willing to partner on.

Give some thought to our fund raiser for next year. Consider whether we should do a gift card raffle in lieu of another gun raffle.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

Next Meeting: October 16th (3rd Wednesday of the month due to travel schedules)