Meeting Minutes – October 2022

Meeting Minutes for October 12th, 2022

President Will Presley called meeting to order at 7:02 PM

Members Present: Al Evans, Bob Schinker, Dave Sprow, James Maynard, Joe Stark, Joe Wilcox, Karl Guegold, Matt Bertram, Mark Kibble, Rob Doughty, Rich Carter, Scott Gordon, Ted Nixon, Will Forister, and Will Presley

Treasures Report: $3,641.71

Old Business:

Will did an outstanding job setting up the recycling cart.

Reminder: Clue dues and affiliations need to be paid at the November meeting to ensure memberships are paid on time.

New Business:

Mark your calendar, the Hartley Hawgs Hoover Fishing Seminar is scheduled for 1/28/2023. Karl is looking for volunteers to assist with parking and food prep, etc.

Lake selection for 2023 Season: Alum Creek, Delaware Lake, Indian Lake, Mosquito Lake, Lake Erie (2 Days), and Lake St. Clair (2 Days)

Safety was brought up concerning individuals fishing by themselves on big waters and to allow boaters to pair up after the draw for co-anglers if they choose.

Increase in fees for co-anglers when travel is over 60 miles to $50.00 per tournament but recommend splitting fuel cost.

Up for election of officers for next year is the Secretary and Vice President, please let Will and James know if you are interested. Please let Will and Scott know if you are interested in being the Tournament Director next season.

50/50 Winner was Scott Gordon $22.00

Next Meeting: November 9th

Meeting Adjourned: 8:15 PM