Meeting Minutes for January 13, 2021
President: Will Presley called meeting to order @ 7:10pm.
Members Present: Bob Schinker, Brandon Hobbs, Brian Vogelsang, Chad Steman, Chris Fisher, Dale Mattox, Dave Sprow, James Maynard, Jason Fairbanks, Joe Wilcox, Karl Guegold, Matt Bertram, Mark Kibble, Ray Lowe, Rob Doughty, Rich Carter, Scott Gordon, Ted Nixon, Terry Hall, Tim Ward, & Will Presley
Recognition of New Guest: Braden McNamara and Tristan Rauch
Treasures Report: 3,602.21
Congratulations to Will Presley on winning angler of the year
Ohio Bass Nation: State Team Qualifier, Boater $160.00, Co-Angler $110.00, Club Team Championship $200.00 per team, Team Trail $135.00 per team/tournament
Club Dues: Dues will be due by the February meeting each year
Gun Raffle Winner: Andre Smith (ticket sold by Ray Lowe)
Thanks to all that participated in the gun raffle ticket sale, it was a great fun raiser for the club. Special Thanks to Jason Fairbanks for the sale of 70 tickets.
50/50 Drawing Winner: Brain Vogelsang $46.00
Congratulations to Rod and Christina on the arrival of their two new babies
Congratulations to Will Presley (Grandpa) on his new granddaughter
Meeting adjourned: 7:54 p.m.