Monofilament Line Recycling Stations
Phase 1: Why recycle mono?
- Environmentally hazardous
- Monofilament takes up to 500 years to decompose
- armful to wildlife
- Potential prop damage
- Recycled mono has many uses
- Fish habitat
- Any plastic product
Phase 2: Placement & Collection
- CBM would choose a local lake for collection during the 2017 season
- Ideally, weekly pick ups
- Members would then bring collected line to monthly meetings
- CBM would register with Boat US Reel in & Recycle Program to track our contributions
- Line would be shipped to Berkley Fishing Line Recycling monthly
Phase 3: Broadening the Scope
- Depending upon the success of 2017…
- Expansion to other bodies of water
- Grant funding?
- Possible impact on Buckeye Lake
- Fish Habs
- Involvement w/ODNR
Artificial fish habitat or fish attractors
CBM takes a idea to and puts it together.
Bottom line the boys came together and got alot of work done. Thanks to all that was able to participate.