Meeting Minutes – May 10, 2023

President: Will Presley called meeting to order @ 6:44 PM

Members Present: Al Evans, Bob Schinker, Billy Koebel, Chris Fisher, James Maynard, Matt Bertram, Mark Kibble, and Will Presley

Recognition of Guest: Sean Geer

Treasures Report: $7, 161.99

Tournament Directors Report: 19 members and 1 guest fished the first club event of the season. Congratulations to Bob Pharris on the WIN.

Will and Matt had big Bass Tuesday night and finished in 11th place.

Ohio Bass Nation State Team Qualifier registration entry by Tuesday morning 5/16.

Alum Creek Cleanup Day; Saturday, June 10th, 8 AM – 1:00 PM, New Galena Ramp. AFCO prizes will be awarded to the team that pick up the most trash.

Reminder, non-boater fee is $25.00 for nearby lakes,

The club discussed fishing two new lakes next year, more to come.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:37 PM