Meeting Minutes – February 2021

February 10, 2021

President: Will Presley called meeting to order at 7:05PM

Members Present: Al Evans, Bob Pharris, Bob Schinker, Brandon Hobbs, Chris Fisher, Dale Mattox, James Maynard, Jason Fairbanks, Joe Wilcox, Karl Guegold, Matt Bertram, Mark Kibble, Mike Ross, Ray Lowe, Rich Carter, Terry Hall, Tim Ward, and Will Presley

Recognition of Guest: Chuck Castle, please welcome Chuck to Columbus Bassmasters, Bass, and TBF.

Treasures Report: $9, 324.79

Tournament Directors Report: No updates

Fishing Report: Dale went ice fishing and caught Crappie and Trout

Old Business: The winner of the gun raffle, has picked up their new gun.

New Business: Club plans to do another gun raffle at the end of the 2021 season. Whoever sells the winning ticket, will get their club dues paid for the 2022 season.

Big Bass Splash Tournament March 26-28th. Please see Matt, for room arrangements if you plan to attend.

Bass Federation:  Region 1 Tournament, May 22 & 23 at Alum Creek

Ohio Bass Nation Facebook Live meeting scheduled for Saturday 2/14.

Will made some really nice swim baits and they are going fast, place your order soon.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:39PM