Will Presley called meeting to order @ 6:30pm
Attendance: Will, Sparky, Al, Rich, Mark, Terry, Chris, Tim, Bob S, Bob P, Jay, Billy, Will F, Sean,Ted, Karl, Scott
Will read meeting minutes from May. Al approved, Soctt second
Treasurer Report $7,157.77
Ted Nixon requested time of meeting be updated in CBM Calander – Scott will handle.
Lake Clean Up at Alum Creek was a success with over 575 pounds of trash picked up around the lake. 12 volunteers led the way in this cleanup. Pictures have been posted on the website.
Tournament Director Report – Pairings for Alum Creek

Drawing for Delaware Lake will be done at end of day Alum Creek. Please let Bob Schinker know your status for Delaware July 9th.
Bass Nation will be having a His & Her tournament as a fund raiser $50 entry on September 23 at Alum Creek if permit is avaliable.
Ohio Federation will hold tournament May 18th/19th 2024 at Alum Creek
50/50 Bob Schinker $41