Meeting Minutes – April 10, 2024

Columbus Bassmasters                                                                          Meeting Minutes 4-10-2024

President: Will Presley called meeting to order @ 6:32pm

Members Present: Bob Pharris, Brian Vogelsang Dave Sprow, James Maynard, Joe Stark, Joe Wilcox, Kajuan Little, Karl Guegold, Kevin Fiant, Mark Kibble, Rich Carter, Ted Nixon, Terry Hall, Tim Ward, Will Presley

Treasures Report: $7,298.50

  • Fishing Report: Bob, Matt, Will, Terry, and Rob fished Lake Guntersville. Will landed big fish (6.15 lbs.)
  • Rich fished Buckeye Lake and had a (3.4 lbs.) for big fish.

Old Business:

  • Karl still needs boat captains for the youth tournament at Rocky Fork on June 1st and 2nd. If you can help, please reach out to Karl.

New Business:

  • The raffle was a great success this year, with 473 of 500 tickets sold for a total profit of $4,010.20. We would like to thank the 25 members that participated in the raffle sale.
  • Members that did not participate in the raffle sale, will be responsible to pay for room expenses at Lake St. Clair this season.
  • Rick Carter sold the winning ticket and James Maynard sold the most tickets. The club will pay their club dues for the 2025 season.
  • You must register for The Ohio Bass Federation Region 1 tournament, scheduled for May 18th & 19th, @ Alum Creek, by May 1st. The form can be print from registration the website.

Club Tournament Pairings for Indian Lake. Check website later to confirm ramp and start time. Co-Angler Fee $25.00

  1. Will                                           2) Brian – Jason
  2. Terry – Kajuan                          4) Rich
  3. Brandon                                     6) Scott – Dave
  4. Joe W. – Kevin                          8) James                                                                                             
  5. Tim                                           10) Dan – Sean
  6. Chris – Joe S.                            12) Mark Kibble
  7. Karl                                            14) Jay
  8. Joe F. – Ted

50/50 Raffle Winner: Mark Kibble $40.00

Meeting Adjourned: 7:09pm