Meeting Minutes – April 12, 2023

President: Will Presley called meeting to order at 6:30pm

Members Present: Bill Koebel, Bob Pharris, Bob Schinker, Chris Fisher, Dale Mattox, James Maynard, Joe Stark, Joe Wilcox, Kajuan Little, Mark Kibble, Mike Ross, Rob Doughty, Scott Cooke, Scott Gordon, Ted Nixon, Tim Ward, & Will Presley

Treasures Report: 7,162.32

Fishing Report: Terry and Scott fished Alum and several other have been out fishing and shared photos.

Old Business:

The winner of the gun raffle has claimed his prize.

Members that didn’t participate in the gun raffle fund raiser will be required to pay for room expenses.

New Business:

Mark your calendar, June 10th, Alum Creek cleanup day.

Ohio Bass Nation registration deadline for Grand Lake St. Mary’s, is Tuesday, 4/18 @ 8:00am.

Please try and assist with boat captain this season. If you are available to assist, place reach out to Karl.

Parings and boat numbers for Sunday, May 7th @ Indian Lake, Lakeview Ramp.

  1. Al Evans / Ted Nixon
  2. Bob Pharris / Mike Ross
  3. Brandon Hobbs / Dan Campbell
  4. James Maynard / Joe Stark (Sparky)
  5. Joe Wilcox / Bill Koebel
  6. Mark Kibble / Dale Mattox
  7. Will Presley / Kajuan Little
  8. Bob Schinker
  9. Chris Fisher
  10. Chuck Castle
  11. Matt Bertram
  12. Rob Doughty
  13. Rich Carter
  14. Scott Cooke
  15. Scott Gordon
  16. Terry Hall
  17. Tim Ward
  18. Andy Hill

Meeting Adjourned at 7:04 pm