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Smallmouth Bass Tagging Study (LSC)

I wanted to quickly bring your attention to a new tagging study that is occurring on Lake St. Clair over the coming years.  We will be tagging 113 Smallmouth Bass with internal acoustic tags in both the 2023 and 2024 field seasons (226 fish total).  This study is designed to improve our understanding of Smallmouth Bass distribution, habitat use and survival in Lake St. Clair, and ultimately ensure sound management of the Bass population. 

Importantly, fish tagged as part of this study will have a new external tag, visible on the belly of the fish.  Additionally, these fish are tagged with an internal acoustic tag.  Acoustic tags emit a coded “ping” which can be detected by listening stations located throughout the Great Lakes.  For more information visit

Spread the word about this study and be the lookout for tagged fish.  If a tagged fish is captured anglers should note the tag number, date and approximate location of capture and report the fish to