CBM Members Joined Together to Work On…
Monofilament Line Recycling Stations Phase 1: Why recycle mono? Environmentally hazardous Monofilament takes up to 500 years to decompose armful to wildlife Potential prop damage Recycled mono has many uses…
Monofilament Line Recycling Stations Phase 1: Why recycle mono? Environmentally hazardous Monofilament takes up to 500 years to decompose armful to wildlife Potential prop damage Recycled mono has many uses…
Reminder join us at CCAP this Saturday @ 9am to complete our environmental project. Points will be awarded.
Meeting Minutes Will called the meeting to order @ 7pm Attendance: Will, Scott, Terry, Al, Karl, Bob P, Dan, Jason, Kevin, Jeff, Rob, James, Jay, Alex, Bob S, Ted, Chris,…